I can buy her products and look like I am! LOL! I am not really trying to be though, that is just not a goal I aspire to. My goals are a little lower than that, like how to get through today without yelling at one or both of my kids :)
However this is and Advent house I bought at Michael's. It is a bunch of flat pieces that you put together to make this cute house. The instructions leave a lot to be desired but for me a picture is a thousand words and I made it through. Not an easy task with liquid glue she gives you though! You have to hold the piece and only do one at a time while the glue dries enough to stay so you can let go. Took over two hours to make. SO you ask why didn't I use some of my scrapbooking tape or adhesive? Because I am stubborn. Flat out cheap and stubborn. She gave me that glue with the kit and i was gonna use it! Why waste my "good stuff" when she obviously thought this glue would work. Reflecting back on it now I should have gotten out the red line tape LOL! A word to the wise, don't be stubborn ;)
All in all I think it is cute, we put goodies in each box in the roof and a bigger goody inside the house for day 25. Which is Christmas day which I thought advent calendars went backwards? I am confused because the space for the biggest prize is called 25 and it is the front door versus all the others are on the roof and the same size. This is what I get for never having done and advent calendar before!
On another note, Cheryl, here is the photo frame with the picture in it now! I scanned my son's school picture this year and made it sepia toned to match better (he had a bright blue shirt on) and resized it to fit and printed it out. I really like it.
Speaking of printing out, I am so frustrated with my printer! I bought the best quality Kodak paper to print out the pictures for the other calendar I am making and I had paper jam after paper jam and then ran out my ink as it uses a ton. I called Kodak and told them that the package says HP printers on the cover but it's jamming and they said sorry and maybe not my specific HP printer. Huh? Then put the specific ones on the cover! It is 8 1/2 x 11 paper and is NOT cheap to just toss in the trash can since it won't work. I called Office Depot and explained and they said once it is opened they don't normally take it back but they would do it for me. Now that is nice. I just have to get back there now. I suppose it means I must buy HP photo paper instead and they didn't have the one I wanted. Now I got to hunt that down. So I am not happy since I am too busy to be running around doing all this! Oh well.
So today I am supposed to go to a fun day of making crafts for Christmas but my son has a birthday party to go to, so the fun for me is out! I always forget to put something on the calendar, ugh. Then my husband wants to go to Christmas shopping after (for himself, oh why not) and I have a bunch of other stuff to do, ahhhhh can you feel Christmas in the air? Fa la lala la lala la la :)