Well this year we finally did it. We bought a fake tree. I love the smell of real trees and I love to take my 5 year old to the tree place to wander around and pick out the "perfect" one (in a 5 year old's eyes) and bring it home. However it is getting more difficult every year to have one so we went fake. Besides, they actually are better looking and easier to put together and take apart then they were years ago. The bonus is that it's pre-lit, no stringing on lights and all the frustrations with that! Yippeee that in itself sold me. Oh and not having to water it twice a day helps. Oh and not having to vacuum and sweep every day helps too. This one is 9 feet tall and the star barely made it on top. It is a slim one which as you can see we don't have a lot of room anywhere in our house so it fits wonderfully and doesn't look stupid (as in it is still cone shaped, not cylinder shaped like some slim trees). OK I have sold you the virtues of this tree, right? LOL! On to other things...

This is a little photo holder I made out of coasters, I used hinges to hold it together similar to one I saw in Paper Crafts. I love this, I actually made this for the gal that placed the order but one of the hinges is stiff and it pulls the paper on the back and she didn't like that so she didn't want it, which made me happy because I wanted it! I am going to put a picture in it and sit it on my desk :) That's all for now!