...And two cards below :) I just got this in an email from a recipe(?!) newsletter I receive and thought I would share it. It is one I hadn't heard of but it is interesting never the less. All this is interesting to me, my husband thinks it is boring and mind clutter but I just love to know the reasons behind things, especially long held traditions.
So here it is:
The history of "Trick'O'Treating" can be traced back to the
early celebrations of All Soul's Day in Britain. The poor would
go begging and the housewives would give them special treats called
"soulcakes". This was called "going a-souling", and the "soulers"
would promise to say a prayer for the dead.
Over time the custom changed and the town's children became
the beggars. As they went from house to house they would be given
apples, buns, and money.
During the Pioneer days of the American West, the housewives
would give the children candy to keep from being tricked. The
children would shout "Trick or Treat!".
So there you have another version.
Now for the cards!
This is a case of a card from the Hero Arts web-site. They have a similar stamp set to one of SU and so I used the SU one I have. It is called Garden Silhouettes (oh I like typing Silhouette, fun LOL!) The one below it is a less elaborate version I made up for a swap I am in. Sometimes when you are doing a bunch of cards you have to simplify things :)